Chapter 1
On 27 June 2018, the Senate referred the following matter to the
Environment and Communications References Committee (the committee) for inquiry
and report by 4 December 2018:
Australia's faunal extinction crisis, including:
- the
ongoing decline in the population and conservation status of Australia's nearly
500 threatened fauna species;
- the
wider ecological impact of faunal extinction;
- the
international and domestic obligations of the Commonwealth Government in conserving
threatened fauna;
- the
adequacy of Commonwealth environment laws, including but not limited to the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, in providing
sufficient protections for threatened fauna and against key threatening
- the
adequacy and effectiveness of protections for critical habitat for threatened
fauna under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
- the
adequacy of the management and extent of the National Reserve System, stewardship
arrangements, covenants and connectivity through wildlife corridors in
conserving threatened fauna;
- the use
of traditional knowledge and management for threatened species recovery and
other outcomes as well as opportunities to expand the use of traditional
knowledge and management for conservation;
- the
adequacy of existing funding streams for implementing threatened species
recovery plans and preventing threatened fauna loss in general;
- the
adequacy of existing monitoring practices in relation to the threatened fauna
assessment and adaptive management responses;
- the
adequacy of existing assessment processes for identifying threatened fauna
conservation status;
- the
adequacy of existing compliance mechanisms for enforcing Commonwealth
environment law; and
- any
related matters.[1]
On 26 November 2018, the Senate granted an extension of time to report
until 29 May 2019.[2] On 2 April 2019, the Senate granted an extension of time to report until 13
November 2019.[3]
Conduct of the inquiry
The committee advertised the inquiry in the usual manner on its website,
and wrote to a number of organisations and individuals, inviting them to make
submissions by 13 August 2018. On 8 August 2018, the Committee agreed to extend
the date for the receipt of submissions to 10 September 2018.
The committee has received 420 submissions, which are listed at Appendix
1 of this report, and available in full on the committee's website.
The committee held a number of public hearings to take evidence. A list
of all witnesses that appeared at these hearings can be found at Appendix 2 of
this report, and full Hansard transcripts of proceedings can be found on the
committee's website. These hearings were held in:
- Canberra on 8 October 2018;
- Melbourne on 22 November 2018;
- Brisbane on 1 February 2019;
- Tasmania on 4 and 5 February 2019; and
- Canberra on 14 February 2019.
The committee also undertook site visits in:
- Victoria on 21 November 2018, to visit the Toolangi State Forest
and the Healesville Sanctuary; and
- Queensland on 31 January 2019, to visit the site of proposed
developments at Toondah Harbour, Cleveland.[4]
Structure of this report
This report is an interim report that draws on the committee's work to
date. It concentrates on evidence received by the committee on whether the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) is currently
fulfilling its objectives in protecting threatened species.
It should be noted that this interim report is focussed on the effectiveness
of the EPBC Act as a legislative framework for managing the Australian
environment, rather than its implementation. The committee recognises that
evidence canvassed serious shortcomings with the implementation of the Act and
other related areas, such as its interaction with state and territory
frameworks. However, the committee does not seek to address these issues in
this report.
The interim report consists of four chapters:
- Chapter 1 provides a background to the inquiry and its
administration, a summary of the EPBC Act, and an overview of relevant reviews
of and inquiries into the Act;
- Chapter 2 provides an overview of the faunal extinction crisis in
Australia and the key threats to the survival of Australia's unique fauna;
- Chapter 3 considers the evidence received by the committee on the
effectiveness of the EPBC Act, and potential reforms that should be considered
by the Commonwealth; and
- Chapter 4 sets out the committee's views and recommendations.
The EPBC Act is the Commonwealth's key environmental legislation
relating to the protection of threatened species of flora and fauna, as well as
ecological communities and heritage sites. The Act came into force on 16 July
2000, and is administered by the Department of the Environment and Energy (the
The EPBC Act contains provisions for the Commonwealth to assess actions
that are likely to have a significant impact on a matter of national
environmental significance (MNES) in Australia. It also contains provisions to
list and manage threatened species, ecological communities, and protected
areas, and also regulates wildlife trade.
The department noted that 'Australia's international obligations provide
the overarching framework and constitutional basis by which the Australian Government
and the Department seek to deliver national policies and programs that provide
for the conservation and protection of biodiversity, including threatened fauna'.[6] International agreements to which Australia is a signatory include the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Convention on Biological Diversity, the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES), Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species, the Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance and the World Heritage
Convention. The department added that 'as a signatory to these conventions and
agreements Australia has committed to care for, and report on progress towards,
global biodiversity goals and targets'.[7]
The department also stated that it:
...leads Australia's engagement
in the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, and represents
national interests at intersessional meetings and biannual Conferences of the
Parties. The Convention on Biological Diversity is dedicated to promoting sustainable
development. As a Party to the Convention, Australia's obligations include
having a national biodiversity strategy and action plan that demonstrates how
Australia will contribute to global targets and reporting internationally every
four years on how we have contributed to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.[8]
Apart from the EPBC Act, the Commonwealth also protects the environment
through a number of other non-statutory measures, including 'programs that
invest in recovery and restoration, national policies and strategies that guide
national action, and funding activities that support science and monitoring for
the conservation and protection of threatened fauna'.[9]
1.15 Australia's
Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010–2030 provides the 'guiding national framework to
conserve national biodiversity to 2030' for Australian governments. According
to the department:
provides an overview of the state of Australia's biodiversity and outlines collective
priorities for conservation. The strategy also provides relevant guidance to
non-government organisations and individuals on how and where they should be
focussing their conservation efforts.[10]
Other stakeholders in environmental
conservation and protection
The states and territories also have a major role in environmental
matters being 'the primary regulators for Australia's native plants and
animals'. All jurisdictions 'have legislation to conserve biodiversity and to
retain and manage habitats, including through a conservation reserve system
involving national parks, nature reserves, conservation parks and marine parks'.
In addition, the state and territory governments operate native vegetation
conservation programs, while also providing for sustainable development of
lands and waters within their jurisdictions.[11]
Non-governmental stakeholders including landholders, communities,
traditional owners, and private sector and non-government organisations also
play a key role. For example:
All responsible landholders, managers and lessees contribute
to biodiversity conservation through their management of lands and waters
across Australia. This contribution ranges from retaining the productive
potential of the lands and waters, to conserving particular species or habitats
and even providing habitats for native species such as frogs, birds, reptiles
and small mammals in towns and city areas.
Other groups and sectors that invest considerable time and
effort to protect biodiversity include Indigenous and community groups,
environmental non-government organisations, businesses, and the research and
education sector. These groups have considerable Indigenous ecological or local
knowledge, technical expertise and play a critical role in onground
implementation and raising community awareness. Many biodiversity conservation
successes are the product of effective partnerships between governments and
nongovernment groups.[12]
Objectives of the EPBC Act
The broad objectives of the EPBC Act are to:
- provide for the protection of the environment, especially matters
of national environmental significance;
- conserve Australian biodiversity;
- provide a streamlined national environmental assessment and
approvals process;
- enhance the protection and management of important natural and
cultural places;
- control the international movement of plants and animals
(wildlife), wildlife specimens and products made or derived from wildlife;
- promote ecologically sustainable development through the
conservation and ecologically sustainable use of natural resources;
- recognise the role of Indigenous people in the conservation and
ecologically sustainable use of Australia's biodiversity; [and]
- promote the use of Indigenous peoples' knowledge of biodiversity
with the involvement of, and in cooperation with, the owners of the knowledge.[13]
Actions requiring assessment
The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment must consider and approve
all 'actions' that are likely to impact on NMES.[14] Actions are defined in section 523 of the Act as including:
- a
project; and
- a
development; and
- an
undertaking; and
- an
activity or series of activities; and
- an
alteration of any of the things mentioned in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d).[15]
Currently, there are nine NMES that require ministerial consideration
under the EPBC Act, which are also referred to as 'triggers'. These MNES relate
to actions potentially affecting:
- world heritage properties;
- national heritage places;
- wetlands of international importance (often called 'Ramsar'
wetlands after the international treaty under which such wetlands are listed);
- nationally threatened species and ecological communities;
- migratory species;
- Commonwealth marine areas;
- the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park;
- nuclear actions (including uranium mining);
- a water resource, in relation to coal seam gas development and large
coal mining development.[16]
A number of other activities must also be assessed by the Minister,
including actions that may affect the environment being undertaken by
Commonwealth agencies, as well as any actions affecting the environment on
Commonwealth-owned land. There is also some scope for the Minister to add other
triggers to the list by regulations, although this must be done in consultation
with the jurisdictions, even if their agreement is not required.[17]
Additionally, threatened species and ecological communities can also
receive protection through other relevant triggers in the EPBC Act. This means,
for instance, that threatened species occurring in world heritage sites,
Ramsar-protected wetlands, Commonwealth marine parks or the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Park would also have some protections under the relevant MNES. In
addition, some threatened species and ecological communities receive protection
through other 'landscape-level' mechanisms, such as Commonwealth marine areas,
and the National Reserve System.[18]
Biodiversity conservation and the
listing of threatened species
As noted above, threatened species and ecological communities are a MNES
under the EPBC Act. Chapter 3 of the Act sets out a regime for biodiversity
conservation in Australia. This includes provisions for the 'listing' of nationally
threatened native species and ecological communities, which involves the:
- identification and listing of
species and ecological communities as threatened;
- development of conservation advice
and recovery plans for listed species and ecological communities;
- development of a register of
critical habitat;
- recognition of key threatening
processes; [and]
- where appropriate, reducing the
impacts of these processes through threat abatement plans.[19]
Conservation advices and recovery
The EPBC Act
requires the preparation of conservation advices when a species is listed as threatened,
to assist in its recovery. According to the department, a conservation advice 'provides
guidance on immediate recovery and threat abatement activities that can be
undertaken to ensure the conservation of a newly listed species'.[20]
The department indicated that 99.7 per cent of all nationally listed
species and communities have a recovery plan or conservation advice. The
department added that, of the 449 listed fauna species:
- 337 have a conservation advice
- 206 have a recovery plan in place,
noting some species have both
- Plans are being finalised as a
priority for three listed species currently not covered by either.[21]
Key threatening processes and
threat abatement plans
The EPBC Act also provides for the identification and listing of 'key
threatening processes' (KTPs) and the development of 'threat abatement plans'
A KTP is defined as a process that 'threatens or may threaten the
survival, abundance or evolutionary development of a native species or
ecological community'.[22] Listing of a KTP provides official recognition that a process is a key threat
to biodiversity at the national level. Currently there are 21 listed KTPs.[23]
Commonwealth environmental assessment
Assessment of actions that may have a significant impact on a MNES must
be referred to the Minister for assessment. A flow chart of the assessment
process regarding referrals is at Appendix 4.
In making a decision on projects, the Minister can decide that proposed
actions are 'clearly unacceptable'. Where this finding is made, proponents are
able to re-submit an amended proposal as a new referral, or request that the
Minister reconsider the decision. The Minister can also decide whether approval
of proposals is required under the EPBC Act, as well as the process of
assessment. Alternative paths of assessment can include referrals being
considered as:
- a controlled action, where approval is subject to conditions
under the EPBC Act;
- not as a controlled action in a 'particular manner', which means
that approval is subject to specified conditions; or
- not a controlled action, if the action is taken in accordance
with the referral.[24]
The Minister can also decide to carry out a 'strategic assessment' under
which can allow consideration of 'cumulative impacts' on MNES, with an eye to
achieving 'conservation and planning outcomes on a much larger scale than can
be achieved through project-by-project assessments'. For example, a large urban
growth area that will be developed over many years. This means that individual
approval for relevant projects may not need to be undertaken through the EPBC
The approvals process
In deciding to approve a project that has been assessed, the Minister
must consider a number of matters, which are set out in section 136 of the EPBC
Act. These include consideration of:
- the principles of ecologically
sustainable development [outlined in section 3A of the Act]
- the results of the assessment of
the impacts of the proposed action, including the relevant recommendation
report from the secretary of the federal environment department
- referral documentation
- community and stakeholder comments
- any other relevant information
available on the impacts of the proposed action, and
- relevant comments from other
Australian Government and state and territory government ministers (such as
information on social and economic factors).
The minister may also take into
account the environmental history of the individual or company proposing to
take the action, including the environmental history of the executive officers
of companies, and parent companies and their executive officers.[26]
In approving a project, the Minister can determine that certain
conditions must be met such as undertaking repair or mitigation of any damage
caused by an action on an environmental matter protected by the EPBC Act. The
Minister has a range of mechanisms, including requiring bonds or other securities,
independent environmental auditing and compliance monitoring. Additionally,
Commonwealth approval of a proposed action under the EPBC Act does not remove
the requirement for proponents to seek any other relevant state and territory approvals.[27] A flow chart of the assessment process regarding the assessment/ decision to
approve is at Appendix 4.
Bilateral agreements
The Commonwealth currently has bilateral agreements in place with all
states and territories, which devolve certain powers to the jurisdictions. Bilateral
agreements give state and territory governments the responsibility for
undertaking environmental assessments and/or approvals for certain issues.
Bilateral agreements exist between the Commonwealth and all other Australian
Chapter 3 of the EPBC Act sets out the objects and provisions for
bilateral agreements. It states that bilateral agreements are made to:
- protect
the environment; and
- promote
the conservation and ecologically sustainable use of natural resources; and
- ensure
an efficient, timely and effective process for environmental assessment and
approval of actions; and
- minimise
duplication in the environmental assessment and approval process through
Commonwealth accreditation of the processes of the State or Territory (and vice
Assessment bilateral agreements are developed provide for:
...a single environmental assessment process conducted by the
state. At the completion of the assessment the state provides a report to the
Australian Government assessing the likely impacts of the project on matters of
national environmental significance.
Following the assessment stage, the state and the Australian
Government each make a decision on project approval and conditions to meet
differing requirements. This may result in two approval decisions and two sets
of conditions.[30]
The department submitted that the Commonwealth currently has assessment
bilateral agreements in place with all states and territories.[31]
Under approval bilateral agreements:
...the state assesses the likely
impacts of a project on the environment and makes a decision on approval,
accounting for both state matters and matters of national environmental
significance. Only one decision is made and includes conditions (if
The EPBC Act contains exemptions for the assessment and approvals
process for certain types of activities. This includes:
- forestry activities conducted under Regional Forestry Agreements
(RFAs), which are exempted from assessment from EPBC Act assessment by
section 38 of the Act;
- offshore oil and petroleum activities, which from 2014 are
assessed under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS
Act), regulated by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management
Authority (NOPSEMA);
- actions that the Minister considers are 'in the national interest'
to approve without following the usual assessment process, under section 158 of
the EPBC Act;
- actions that are necessary to address matters of national
security or 'in relation to preventing, mitigating or dealing with a national
emergency', which is provided for under section 28(3) of the EPBC Act; and
- any activities undertaken by a Commonwealth agency granted an
exemption by the Minister for the usual approvals process, subject to the
Minister being satisfied that the agency 'will comply with state/territory environment
protection laws when undertaking the action or class of actions to which the
declaration applies'.[33]
A list of exemptions for particular actions is published on the
department's website, alongside reasons for exemptions being granted by the
Minister, as required by sections 158 and 303A of the EPBC Act.[34]
Review mechanisms and access to
The EPBC Act provides three means of seeking review or reconsideration
of administrative decisions, namely: request for consideration; merits review;
and judicial review.[35]
Reconsideration and merits review of administrative decisions enable all
aspects of a decision to be reconsidered on their merits. If successful, a new
decision can be substituted in place of the original decision.
In contrast, merits review is a form of external review conducted
at the federal level by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). Merits
review is available for a wide range of decisions relating to permits (sections
206A, 221A and 243A), except those decisions made personally by the Minister.[36]
Judicial review is not concerned with the merits of an
administrative decision, rather with whether the decision-maker acted lawfully
when making the decision (for example, all relevant considerations were taken
into account).
Reviews of and inquiries into the EPBC Act
There have been a number of inquiries and reviews which have commented
on aspects of the EPBC Act which are relevant to the committee's current
The 2009 Hawke Review
The EPBC Act stipulates that a statutory review must be undertaken every
10 years.[37] The first of these reviews was undertaken by Dr Allan Hawke in 2009. The
department confirmed to the committee that the next statutory review must
commence by October 2019, and that this would involve extensive consultation.[38]
In considering the first 10 years of the EPBC Act's operation, the Hawke
Review made 71 recommendations to Government.[39] Most notably, Recommendation 1 of the Hawke Review was that the EPBC Act
should be repealed and replaced with a new Act, 'The Australian Environment Act',
which would:
- be
restructured and drafted to modernise, clarify, simplify and streamline both
language and process;
- reduce
duplication of processes; and
- increase
the focus on strategic approaches to environmental management.[40]
The Hawke Review set out the rationale for this recommendation:
It is clear from comments that many people, including professionals,
find the Act hard to understand and navigate. The Act is currently repetitive,
lengthy, unnecessarily complex, often unclear and, in some areas, overly
prescriptive. As a consequence many provisions need to be re-drafted.
The simplest way to achieve the necessary reordering and
redrafting would be to repeal the Act and replace it with a new Australian
Environment Act. A complete redraft will enable legislators to use modern
drafting techniques which will also aid simplification and clarity of the Act
in general, although the effect of many of the provisions that exist currently
in the Act will not change.[41]
The Government Response to the Hawke Review stated that, although it
agreed with the 'intent' of this recommendation, the Government intended to
achieve this 'through amendment of the EPBC Act rather than by drafting an
entirely new Act'. The Government supported this position as follows:
The drafting of a new Act would require substantial
legislative drafting, stakeholder education and revision of administrative
documents. The government will focus on progressing amendments that achieve the
greatest outcomes for the environment and for proponents. This approach is
consistent with the Review's general acknowledgement that the EPBC Act is still
effective in achieving its aims. In a number of cases the amendments will
include clarification, simplification and streamlining [as recommended].[42]
The Hawke Review made 70 other recommendations for reform of the EPBC
Act. These are discussed in the following chapters of this report, where
relevant to the evidence received by the committee.
Senate committee inquiries
The predecessor to this committee has produced a range of reports into
issues relating to the EPBC Act.
In 2009, the committee tabled two reports for the inquiry into The Operation
of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.[43] The final report of the committee made a number of recommendations, including:
- the potential inclusion of greenhouse gas emission and land
clearing triggers in the Act;
- greater resources for the department for assessment, monitoring,
complaint investigation, compliance, auditing projects approved under Part 3,
and enforcement;
- regular evaluation and adequate resourcing of long-term
environmental decisions made under the Act;
- a review of the effects of bilateral agreements with
jurisdictions 'on the quality of environmental assessments of matters of
national environmental significance', which was to be undertaken either as part
of the independent statutory review of the Act, or by the Australian National
Audit Office (ANAO);
- review of the interaction of the EPBC Act with the Fisheries
Management Act 1991 in the assessment and conservation of fish species;
- amending the timeline for nomination and listing of threatened
species or ecological communities, to improve 'transparency, rigour and
- the use of 'offsets' for habitat conservation only as 'a last
resort' that 'must deliver a net environmental gain', and not be 'accepted as a
mitigating mechanism where other policies or legislation (such as state
vegetation protection laws) are already protecting the habitat proposed for use
as an offset'; and
- consideration of expanding the scope for merits review 'in
relation to ministerial decisions under the Act', particularly relating to 'whether
an action is a controlled action; assessment decisions; and decisions on
whether a species or ecological community is to be listed under the Act'.[44]
Following the tabling of the committee's reports for this inquiry, the
then-Environment Minister, the Hon Peter Garrett AM MP, wrote to Dr Hawke,
asking him to 'consider the findings and recommendations of the Senate Inquiry
in his Independent Review of the EPBC Act'. The 2011 Government Response to the
inquiry report acknowledged that the committee's findings and recommendations
had been considered as part of the Hawke Review in 2009.[45]
This committee also undertook an inquiry in 2013 into the Effectiveness
of threatened species and ecological communities' protection in Australia. The
committee made 44 recommendations to improve the Act's protection of
threatened species. This included recommendations aimed at:
- reducing duplication between Commonwealth and jurisdictions,
including in environmental law and in the administration of the listings
- reforming of the listing process for threatened species and
ecological communities;
- improving recovery planning, and Action and Threat Abatement
- bolstering funding for implementation;
- working to address threats from invasive species and feral
- more stringent monitoring and review processes, including
preparation of national accounts provided to Parliament;
- reviewing the effectiveness of RFAs with state governments, particularly
regarding threatened species protection;
- the undertaking of an audit of offsets granted under the Act;
- consultation with affected stakeholders prior 'to the
introduction of establish cost recovery mechanisms for
environmental assessment processes';
- ensuring that 'conditions on approvals' made under the Act are 'kept
as straightforward as possible and worded clearly to ensure that conditions are
- developing better compliance strategies in consultation with
jurisdictions for monitoring and compliance activities relating to the Act, as
well as an audit of compliance with approval conditions to be undertaken by the
ANAO; and
- more streamlined fisheries management provisions, to provide a 'single
strategic assessment framework for Commonwealth and state-managed fisheries to
deliver a single assessment and approval framework'.[46]
The Government Response to this report was tabled in August 2014. It
noted that the recent appointment of Australia's first Threatened Species
Commissioner was an indication of the importance the Government placed on
threatened species management, and a 'new national focus' for conservation
efforts for endangered flora and fauna.[47]
The Government Response also agreed with a number of committee
recommendations. This included recommendations for the: harmonising of lists of
threatened species between the Commonwealth and jurisdictions (Recommendation 1);
improved coordination of action plans (Recommendation 11); a review of all TAPs
more than five years old, to be undertaken and released publicly within five
years (Recommendation 21); and more stringent identification and mapping of
critical habitats for threatened species and ecological communities in recovery
plans and conservation advices (Recommendation 23).[48]
In 2011, this committee undertook an inquiry into the status, health and
sustainability of Australia's koala population, which touched on the operation
of the EPBC Act's protection of threatened species. The committee concluded
The EPBC threatened species listing process is reactive and
not well suited to the conservation needs of the koala. In the committee's
view, there ought to be processes available to enable proactive protection for
the koala as well as other significant Australian species. In this regard the
committee notes the possible mechanisms announced as part of the government's
response to the review of the EPBC Act which could enable a more proactive
approach to koala conservation. Perhaps, building on the [Threatened Species
Scientific Committee's (TSSC)] proposal to monitor species of cultural,
evolutionary and/or economic significance, there ought to be a category of
nationally significant species.[49]
In relation to threatened species more generally, the committee
Recommendation 3:
...the Australian Government establish a nationally coordinated
and integrated program for population monitoring of threatened species and
other culturally, evolutionary and/or economically significant species.
Recommendation 5:
...the Threatened Species
Scientific Committee provide clearer information to the Environment Minister in
all future threatened species listing advices, including species population
information, and that the Threatened Species Scientific Committee review its
advice to the Minister on the listing of the koala in light of the findings of
this inquiry.[50]
The Government Response agreed in part with Recommendation 3, noting a
number of measures being taking to establish 'a national coordinated system'
for monitoring the environment, including biodiversity. This included the
development of 'environmental indicators' by the department to improve
monitoring, the appointment of a Threatened Species Commissioner in mid-2014,
and other programs to improve the information base for threatened species.[51]
The Government Response agreed with Recommendation 5. It noted that the
TSSC takes account of available information relevant to the criteria for
listing. It also stated that the Minister had decided to list koala populations
in New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT as vulnerable under the
EPBC Act.[52]
Australian National Audit Office
(ANAO) audits
In 2014, the ANAO conducted an audit of the department's monitoring of compliance
with the EPBC Act. The final report found that there were significant
shortcomings with the department's management of EPBC Act compliance and risk
management frameworks, stating:
...nearly 14 years after the enactment of the EPBC Act, [the
department] is yet to establish mature administrative arrangements to
effectively discharge its regulatory responsibilities in relation to approved
controlled actions. As a consequence, the assurance that the department has
regarding proponents' compliance with action approval conditions, which are
designed to address the risks posed to MNES, is limited.[53]
The ANAO also found that 'the increasing workload on compliance
monitoring staff over time' had led to a 'generally passive approach' to
monitoring compliance with approval conditions. As a consequence, the
department only had a limited visibility of the progress of many controlled
actions, and any subsequent risks to MNES. Additionally, the ANAO found that
this passive approach was noticeable in its management of non-compliance.[54] In many cases, it stated:
...instances of proponent non-compliance (mostly of a technical
nature—such as, a missed deadline to submit a management plan) were either not
identified by staff, or were identified but not referred for assessment and
possible enforcement action. The failure to appropriately respond to identified
non-compliance can: impact on the effectiveness of environmental safeguards;
risk environmental damage; jeopardise the department's ability to take future
enforcement action; and harm the public's confidence in the regulator. Also, in
the absence of appropriate procedures, the department's investigations into
reported non-compliance with approval conditions were conducted inconsistently.[55]
In 2017, the ANAO undertook a follow-up audit, which found some of the
department's performance had improved, but concluded that only limited progress
had been made to strengthen the department's regulatory performance more
Environment has made progress in addressing the five
recommendations made in [the 2014 ANAO report]...To date, limited progress has
been made in relation to the implementation of broader initiatives to
strengthen the department's regulatory performance.[56]
Recent reforms to Commonwealth environment law and policy
There have been a number of recent amendments to the EPBC Act and other
Australian laws and policies for the protection and management of the
In 2013, a water trigger was added to the EPBC as a new MNES,
particularly relating to coal seam gas projects and large coal mining
In 2014, the Commonwealth appointed a Threatened Species Commissioner to
'bring national focus to threatened species'. The Commissioner also leads the
implementation of the Government's Threatened Species Strategy and its
five-year Action Plan.
In 2015, the Commonwealth worked with jurisdictions to implement a 'Common
Assessment Method', which is designed to:
...align the assessment and listing of nationally threatened
species across Australian jurisdictions. The Common Assessment Method provides
a consistent approach to assessments, reducing duplication of effort and
improving clarity for stakeholders.[58]
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